A Christian presence in every community

St Petrocs & St Marys

Thank you for visiting our church website today.
The church receives no funding from the government, the Church of England or others.

 It is maintained entirely by the regular contributions of its members and generous donations from people like you.
If you would like to donate to help support the work of the church in the community do please scan the QR Code or click the link below to take you to our Give a Little page:


Everything happening in the Church can be found on the Weekly Diary: 

Latest Service Video: HERE

Laura's "Inauguration of a New Ministry service"

The Middle East. The situation in the Middle East has disturbed us all. Below is a prayer from the Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem. There is an Appeal from the Anglican Hospital in Gaza (run by the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem) which is in urgent need of supplies. You can donate to the emergency appeal here.

O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land.
Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslins and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equality to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children, for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

Please go to our Worship page or our weekly Dear Friends for further details.
We look forward to warmly welcoming you to any of our events.

In addition we have a number of active Bible study and prayer groups.
There is an active, albeit small, Mothers Union Diocesan Member Branch comprising both ladies and gentlemen!

We see ourselves as a church serving our community.
We undertake a number of “life events” services – baptisms, weddings and funerals.
If you would like to discuss these please either email or call the Vicar at revginar@gmail.com or 07903 400480; or via the contact us on the Home page.

We have a large and flourishing band of bellringers, who in the past have won the Devon Major 6 Bell-ringing final.
We are in the process of creating a bellringing Centre of Excellence at St. Petroc’s.
“Bells on Sunday” on BBC Radio 4.  HERE

Gina in White
Rev'd Prebendary Prof Gina Radford
St Petroc's Church, South Brent

Welcome to St Petroc’s!

The mission statement for St Petroc’s states that we are “a Church with a heart for God and for the whole parish.”
We describe ourselves as middle of the road in churchmanship, and warmly welcome everyone.

We are a lively and very welcoming church, and embrace a range of worship traditions. Our regular pattern of services is as follows:-




1st Sunday of month


Family Service

2nd Sunday of month


Holy Communion (CW)

3rd Sunday of month

Holy Communion (BCP)

Morning Worship

4th Sunday of month


Holy Communion (CW)

5th Sunday of month


Special Services

Coffee is served after the 9.30 service in the church room opposite the main church door, and all are very welcome to come and enjoy fellowship, coffee and cake.

During the week we have a regular pattern of events:-


9.15am PUFFS – people with under 5’s group in St Petroc’s church room

8.00pm Bellringing practice


8.30am Morning Prayer in the church

10.00am Thought for the week discussion group by zoom


9.00am Morning Worship by zoom

7.00pm Choir practice in church


2nd Saturday from 10am Coffee in the church car park

3rd Saturday from 10am Compassionate Friends café in the Old School centre


St Petroc’s Book Lending Library


South Brent and Rattery Messenger
Autumn 2024: HERE

St Petroc’s APCM – Documents: HERE

Thank you for visiting our church website today.
The church receives no funding from the government,
                             the Church of England or others.

 It is maintained entirely by the regular contributions of its members and generous donations from people like you.
If you would like to donate to help support the work of the church in the community do please scan the QR Code alongside.

Thank you.


Our church building itself dates from Saxon times and was enlarged at various stages .
Most of the building we see today was in existence in 1436.
With considerable financial assistance from the Heritage Lottery Fund, together with several church and local charities, we have recently completed a major refurbishment of the Norman tower of St Petroc’s, whilst simultaneously improving both the electricity supply and internal lighting of the Church The local community energy group has helped us to overhaul the heating system.

Rev’d Prebendary Prof Gina Radford

GuidebookPeter Taylor writes:
As many of you know, because I have pestered you for information, I have been trying to write a Guidebook to St Petroc’s Church and its stories, which are so interesting.
Gina has kindly agreed that a first draft of this could appear on this website for you to have a look at. I apologise straightaway that the pictures in this internet version are not such good quality as in a printed book, but I hope you can decipher them.

I NEED FEEDBACK! PLEASE TELL ME if you have extra information I could have, or if you have comments on anything you read – or something that has been omitted. And … If you know anyone else who might be interested to see it, please tell them about this link on the website.
To comment on the Guidebook, please email me at this Guidebook address — StPetrocGuidebook@gmail.com – Thank you.
Happy reading!


GuidebookPeter Taylor writes:
As many of you know, because I have pestered you for information, I have been trying to write a Guidebook to St Petroc’s Church and its stories, which are so interesting.
Gina has kindly agreed that a first draft of this could appear on this website for you to have a look at. I apologise straightaway that the pictures in this internet version are not such good quality as in a printed book, but I hope you can decipher them.

I NEED FEEDBACK! PLEASE TELL ME if you have extra information I could have, or if you have comments on anything you read – or something that has been omitted. And … If you know anyone else who might be interested to see it, please tell them about this link on the website.
To comment on the Guidebook, please email me at this Guidebook address — StPetrocGuidebook@gmail.com – Thank you.
                                                           Happy reading!

