South Brent Feoffees – Education and Welfare Grants
Grants from South Brent Feoffees are available to support post 18 education for all young residents of South Brent parish.
Grants are not income related but reflect whether the student is studying away from home or living locally and in what year of study the application is made.
Each individual can apply once a year for 3 years whether it is a university course or vocational training.
Our allocation of funds varies according to the number of applications and the amount made available each year by the charity.
Application forms are available to download and print as a PDF document HERE.
“This pdf form is still applicable, please ignore the closing date and use this form”
If you are unable to do this at home or in the Old School Centre then paper copies can be picked up from Luscombe Maye.
Completed forms must be posted or dropped in at the address below to be seen by the granting committee.
It is important that the form is filled out in its entirety by the applicant and signed, and completed applications must be supported by a letter of authority from the student’s college or university or the application will not be considered.
Please note that this is NOT the OFFER from a place of higher eduction, but a confirmation of ATTENDANCE.
Applications without a letter of authority will not be considered so please wait until you have started your course and have a letter stating that from your department or tutor before you apply.
The deadline for completion of the form for support for the academic year 2022/2023 will be 31st October 2022.
Welfare Grants
The South Brent Feoffees charity has a small grant fund available for individuals and groups addressing specific welfare needs and the application is by letter to the Clerk, c/o Luscombe Maye in the village at the address below.
Grants are not income related and are considered throughout the year on a case by case basis.
Address For Grant Applications
Tom Maynard BSc (Hons) MRICS FAAV
Clerk to the Trustees
South Brent Feoffees
Luscombe Maye Ltd
6 Fore Street
South Brent
TQ10 9BQ