Dear friends

Friday 26th July 15:00pm 

Gina in White

w/c Sunday 28th July 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our weekly Mission Community Newsletter.  
I have recently attended some of our local schools’ Leavers services, where we have said goodbye to Year 6 pupils as they move on to new schools and new adventures in their lives. Moving on and change is part of the pattern of life.
We will soon say goodbye to our Curate Laura, who will be moving on to a new role at Paignton.
We are so very grateful for all she has contributed to our Mission Community and wish her all God’s blessings in her future ministry as she continues her journey with God.
Laura’s farewell service will be on August 4th at Eden farm at 10am.With every blessing,
Rev Gina, Rector


Thought for the week  

Financial giving is part of our worship. In our churches we express this by having a

collection in the service, or a collection dish as we come in, or through the Parish Giving

Scheme. But whatever way it is done, our giving is part and parcel of our worship, and

not merely an add-on on the side.

We give partly as a response to need. That may be the practical need for our church to

pay the bills, including the Common Share, which funds things like clergy pay and

housing. Then there are practical needs met through charities. But our giving is also a

response to God’s love. “We love because he first loved us,” says the First Letter of

John, and one might adapt this to “We give because he first gave to us”. The more we

realise how much God has done for us, the more we will gladly respond in our giving.

But then come the practical questions – how much should I give? And what should I

give to? The Christian giving organisation Stewardship reports that Christians in the UK

give an average of £73 each month to various charitable causes. This equates to 3.2%

of their income after tax and is £8 more than the average given by the general UK

population. And, not surprisingly, those who are really committed in their faith give more

than those who are more nominal. But the report also highlights that only a limited

number give a tithe, a tenth of their after-tax income. This should never be seen as a

requirement, as some need to give less and some can give more, but it’s a good biblical

starting point for thinking about giving.

And who should we give to? Well, our own church finances are one obvious area. But

many of us may have links with charities or mission societies and give them financial

support. But whatever our own personal financial situation, here is an important area for us to think about. Our giving is part and parcel of our worship.
George Day

Notices and Diary

  1. Rattery prayer group are looking for new members.
    We follow the ‘New way of Being Church’ and meet in Hillside, South Brent on the first Wednesday of the month.
    Our group is friendly, supportive and informal. Please contact Sally on 07522817439 or if you would like to come along.
  2. Laura’s leaving service is on August 4th at 10am at Eden Farm (St Luke’s if wet).
    Please bring a chair, coffee and cakes provided.
    Please give contributions to her present to your church warden

Wed July 31st                        St Petroc’s Morning Prayer at 8.30am

Thought for the week at 10am by zoom and telephone

                                                St Petroc’s Funeral at 2pm (Sullivan)

Friday August 2nd                            Morning Prayer at 9am by zoom and telephone





  Sunday August 4th



At Eden Farm, Harbourneford, TQ10 9DU. Final service for curate Laura McAdam.If wet, the service will be in St Luke’s, Buckfastleigh

  Sunday August 11th

South Brent

Dean Prior







Holy Communion

Holy Communion (BCP)

Holy Communion

Morning Worship

  Sunday August 18th

South Brent

South Brent

Dean Prior










Holy Communion (BCP)

Holy Communion

Holy Communion (BCP)

Morning Worship

Holy Communion

Evening Worship

  Sunday August 25th

South Brent Landscove







Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion


 Know you are in my heart and in my prayers.
Rev Gina

Friday 7th October 2022


SHARE FOOD    –     Save waste


Have you ever wondered what to do with that spare food?

The South Brent Community Fridge has finally arrived and is installed at the entrance to the Old School Community Centre in the centre of the village.
It will open on Tuesday 18th October and will be open 24 hours a day.

Surplus and end of line food is collected by volunteers from supermarkets and local businesses who would otherwise be disposing of it, and put in the community fridge for anyone to come and take what they wish.

If you have spare food yourself, if you are going on holiday or have extra vegetables in your allotment, you can also put it in the fridge to share.
The guidelines of what food is safe to share are posted by the fridge, and the fridge will be checked daily by a dedicated team of volunteers.

It’s a win-win situation for the environment and the people of South Brent as we move into a winter when many ordinary people will be feeling the pinch.
Please use it!!!

If you would like to volunteer to help the community fridge please contact . In particular we are looking for a back up for the coordinator, Their role will be, when the main coordinator is away, to

– liaise with the driver and fridge monitor coordinators who are responsible for the day to day running of the fridge, and work with them to resolve any issues that come up

– Be responsible for the maintenance of the room where the fridge is (in collaboration with the old school Community Centre)

– Act as liaison with outside organizations.