Dear friends

Friday 28th March 15:40  

Canterbury Cross                                                                                            

w/c Sunday Mar 30th 2025

Dear Friends,

This Sunday is Mothering Sunday, and we will be holding a joint Mission Community service at St Petroc’s at 10am, followed by coffee and cake!
Mothering Sunday can provoke a variety of emotions for many of us, but we can come together, acknowledging this before our loving God whose character is portrayed in the Bible with images of both Mother and Father. 
I look forward to welcoming as many as are able to join us on Sunday.

Thought for the week  2Cor 5 v16-end

In his letters to the Corinthians, Paul is writing to a group of people who are struggling to understand what it means to be a Christian in a multicultural society, and how to live a Christian life amongst all the secular challenges around them. Sound familiar?
In this passage Paul talks about living in a transformed reality.
Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are “made new” and should have a new perspective and way of living.
This new world view is not just limited to our view of Jesus and what He has done, but extends to how we view each other. That’s a tall ask.
We are being asked to view each other as being part of this new creation, this transformed reality. We are called to reimagine, to stretch our hearts and minds to find Jesus in others, even if we have to work rather hard at times.

This isn’t always easy.
Are we being asked to just grin and bear it when someone cuts up up in the queue, or ignore the cutting remark or veiled insult?
What is clear is that more is being asked of us than sometimes we can give or are prepared to offer. We are being asked to see others as Jesus does, to take those issues that provoke strong emotions and responses to Him.
To see in each person the image of God within them. We are not asked to be doormats, allowing ourselves to be trampled all over.
Instead we are to be the door to the possibility of transformation through the grace and love of God.

I wonder if you remember the famous advert for a particular brand of chocolate which took place at an ambassador’s reception.
The idea was that the chocolates were so good that they were used on such auspicious occasions as these.
The ambassador is seen as someone of very good taste.
Paul tells us the amazing truth that we are God’s representatives on earth, tasked with transmitting some of the excellence of God’s love.
God’s love has no equal, it is simply divine, something to be savoured each day.

 We have, through Jesus, this inherited closeness to God, and we are called to maintain that closeness, to savour His love, through all the ups and downs of life, Through the good times and the bad we have to keep coming back to God to see the truth of who we are and who He is.
And as we do so, we find that God’s exquisite love is not just for us, not just for the selected few as in the ambassadors’ reception.
God’s love is for everyone, and we are asked to help people to experience this love for themselves. To be God’s ambassadors!

Notices and Diary

  • Sun 30th March joint Mission Community Mothering Sunday service at 10am at St Petroc’s. NB remember the clocks go forward!
  • Our ecumenical Lent lunches at South Brent Methodist school hall on Wed at 12.30pm
  • Lent course at St Luke’s on Tuesdays at 10am; S Brent Methodist church on Wed 2pm

Sun 30th Mar                 Mission Community Mothering Sunday service at 10am at St Petroc’s

Tues 1st Apr                  St Luke’s Lent course at 10am

Wed 2nd Apr                 St Petroc’s Morning Prayer at 8.30am

                                    Thought for the week at 10am by zoom and telephone

                                    St Petroc’s Lent lunch in Methodist school hall at 12.30

St Petroc’s Lent course in Methodist school hall at 2pm

Fri 4th Apr                    Morning Prayer at 9am by zoom and telephone

                                    Landscove and Staverton joint APCM at Landscove church at 10.30

Sun 6th Apr                   St Petroc’s Parish breakfast from 8.30am


                                                CHURCH SERVICES


  Sunday March 30th  

Mothering Sunday

South Brent

10am Joint Mission Community service

  Sunday April 6th 

  South Brent






Family Service

Holy Communion


  Sunday April 13th    PALM SUNDAY

  South Brent

  Dean Prior







Holy Communion

Holy Communion (BCP)

Holy Communion 

Morning Worship

  Thursday April 17th    MAUNDY THURSDAY

  South Brent


Holy Communion

  Friday April 18th   GOOD FRIDAY

  South Brent

  Dean Prior









Good Friday Reflection

Good Friday Reflection

Good Friday Reflection

Good Friday Reflection

In the Footsteps of Christ

  Sunday April 20th   EASTER SUNDAY

  South Brent  

  South Brent

  Dean Prior














Sunrise Service (followed by breakfast)

Holy Communion 

Holy Communion (BCP)

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

  Sunday April 27th   


  South Brent








Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Morning Worship

Holy Communion


 Know you are in my heart and in my prayers.
Rev Gina

Friday 7th October 2022


SHARE FOOD    –     Save waste


Have you ever wondered what to do with that spare food?

The South Brent Community Fridge has finally arrived and is installed at the entrance to the Old School Community Centre in the centre of the village.
It will open on Tuesday 18th October and will be open 24 hours a day.

Surplus and end of line food is collected by volunteers from supermarkets and local businesses who would otherwise be disposing of it, and put in the community fridge for anyone to come and take what they wish.

If you have spare food yourself, if you are going on holiday or have extra vegetables in your allotment, you can also put it in the fridge to share.
The guidelines of what food is safe to share are posted by the fridge, and the fridge will be checked daily by a dedicated team of volunteers.

It’s a win-win situation for the environment and the people of South Brent as we move into a winter when many ordinary people will be feeling the pinch.
Please use it!!!

If you would like to volunteer to help the community fridge please contact . In particular we are looking for a back up for the coordinator, Their role will be, when the main coordinator is away, to

– liaise with the driver and fridge monitor coordinators who are responsible for the day to day running of the fridge, and work with them to resolve any issues that come up

– Be responsible for the maintenance of the room where the fridge is (in collaboration with the old school Community Centre)

– Act as liaison with outside organizations.