We have been asked by many of you to have a collection of the songs we have used on our Zoom services so you can play them again, So here are the songs which we have used in Zoom services.

09:30 Service

O for a thousand tongues to sing: HERE

To God be the Glory: HERE

Walk in the light: HERE

Shine Jesus shine:

Holy holy holy: HERE 

All I once held dear: HERE 

The Lords Prayer* HERE
(* This one wasn’t used in our service but is popular with a few of our members)

Brother sister let me serve you: HERE

In Christ Alone: HERE

Chidren’s services
Our God is a great big God: HERE
Will you come and follow me: HERE
Joy joy joy down in my heart: HERE
The Wise man built his house on the rock: HERE
Parable of the sower song: HERE