Personal Prayer

For those interested in Ignatian Spirituality 
here is an good example of an App to support you in:
Reimagining the Examen
Reimagining the Examen App

Light a Candle



Daily Hope the free telephone daily thought for all who feel isolated – 0800 804 8044.

daily hope

The Lord's Prayer in British Sign Language

Have you tried learning any sign language?
Why not challenge yourself to learn the Lord’s Prayer in British Sign Language
so you might be able to join a group of people living with hearing loss who sign this most loved of prayers?

Here is an example:
LORD’S PRAYER in BSL: Click Here

time to pray
Time to Pray App

Daily devotion Apps - click on picture to access:

Lectio 365 App

Click image below for Devotional Songs

Short meditation of the day from Taizé: blue_cross Here

For those who want to read the whole Bible in one year Bible Society offer online a daily set of readings and reflections: Here

Wanting to start daily Bible reading but unsure of where to start?
To see a few of the many options for purchase try searching:
Bible Reading Fellowship: Here 
CWR: Here 
Scripture Union: Here 

bibleinoneyearBible in a Year link …..   here